Saturday, December 4, 2010


This just in!  A little bit of inter-webz research has indicated to me that the gift on day 4 is actually a toy crane!! Makes much more sense, as I can fully see it now.


High atop a snowy hill lies door number 4.

A knight with a flail! Sweet - I am particularly fond of his style of helmet.  Reminds me of the style worn by Sir Bedivere in Monty Python and the Holy Grail.

It looks like a LEGO massacre!  But really I just haven't built the guy yet.

Ta-da!  And look, another bonus weapon!  Hooray!  Double flail!

All my KINGDOMS sets nice and lined up... Looking good, guys! Looking goood!

CITY Day 4 - Mysteries blow!

Here comes day number 4!  I'm going to open up... THE MOON!

It's a ... something?  Maybe a snowblower? I think that's what it is supposed to be... maybe it will help me know when I build it...

Still a bunch of pieces, and no more certain what the design is supposed to be...

Fully constructed and... yeah still not sure!  I think that snowblower is the most likely guess, however, I notice at the back underneath what looks like a handle there is a connector piece... maybe it is going to attach to something else?  Or maybe it is just some kind of Danish snowblower design that I am unfamiliar with over here in Canada...

Well, here we are after 4 days!  All the sets together - I have a feeling that this set is going to get crowded shortly!