Monday, December 20, 2010

KINGDOMS Day 20 - You Better Duck and Cover, I'm Telling You Why - Catapults are Shelling Your Town

Aw, look at the soldiers having fun skating on the castle moat!

Ooh! Bring in the heavy artillery!  A catapult.

It is worth mentioning the little "Do Not Harm Others" image in the bottom left corner of the door.  If I were the guy in the image though, I'd be more concerned with the red line bisected my head than the small black projectile embedded in me.

Looks like it has ample ammo!

Ready to deliver... uh, presents! Yes, presents over enemy walls!

The soldier is ready to give the order... FIRE!

Only 4 more to go!

CITY Day 20 - O Little LEGO Bulldozer

Wow - we're into the 20s now folks!  What's going to come out of the back of the truck?

 Ooh! A bulldozer companion for the crane!

Looks like these pieces could benefit from having a bulldozer sweep them away!

And here we have it, a brand spanking new bulldozer.

Look at all of those opened doors... only a few more to build!