Thursday, December 23, 2010

KINGDOMS Day 23 - Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire

Second last medieval day - also taking photos with the new phone's camera

It's... a blurry mess!  But it's supposed to be some kind of medieval oven/cooking table...thing...

Ah, the low light settings seems to have improved picture quality.

It is sooo amazing that the apple fell off of Good Sir Knight's head!

Also - looks like I messed up again and forgot the group shot!  I had best not forget tomorrow, as it is the last day for opening the calendars!

CITY Day 23 - O Christmas Tree!

Day 23 - second last day!  I got a new phone, so I am trying out the camera on it... sadly it does not have an LED flash, so close up and low light is a bad combo :(

It's a Christmas Tree

Ah - I guess this family doesn't have a real tree - they have to put it together.

That's better! And it even has a pretty little star on top!

And only one more door to open... anybody have any guesses what it will be?

KINGDOMS Day 22 - Owl Yourself An Aerie Little Christmas

Who's so funny Mr. Jester that you can't stop laughing?

Oh! The owl is funny! That's whoo!

No, don't shoot the owl Crossbowman!

Ah, now the owl has a nice little shrubbery to perch upon.

Or maybe the owl is a pet of the maiden?  They seem to get along.

Insert group shot here... yeah I forgot to take one on this day for the Kingdoms Calendar... :S I am really slipping as the month goes on!

CITY Day 22 - Santa, Get to the Choppa!

Day 22, fire engine pulling out of the station

A toy helicopter

Blackhawk Down!

Ah, much better.

 Only 2 more days remaining!

KINGDOMS Day 21 - Bow William-Tell it on the Mountain

Day 21 - what is in your attic?

A crossbowman! Complete with quiver

Needs some work

Much better! 

Okay now, Good Sir Knight... DON'T MOVE!

Sad to see it coming so close to an end...

CITY Day 21 - Ticket to Ride

Okay - so I'm running behind as we approach Christmas... Let's cut to the chase!

Another train car - complete with coupling attachments

Fancy ball joint attachments

Ready to go yellow train car?


I've got a feeling there is still one more piece for this train to come... maybe tomorrow?