Friday, December 17, 2010

KINGDOMS Day 17 - Brew-dolph The Red Nosed Rein-beer

What's hiding behind that window? What is that 17 not telling us?

Ah, a nice healthy beverage!  It's not the first day of Christmas yet, but I'm sure Bob and Doug would still be pleased!

Quickly, before any spills out onto the snow!

Ah, the keg is safe!

And now, time for the Good Sir Knight to console himself with a brew, after his many failed adventures...

CITY Day 17 - Dirty After Sleeping in a Manger? LEGO has the solution!

Why does it always snow on me? Is it because I skated on Day 17?

Ooh! A LEGO shower! I guess it's for when you take your LEGO blocks outside and they get dirty!

Oops! When I spilled the pieces, I knocked mom off of the couch!!

Now my LEGO can be nice and clean!

Okay, go away, time for mom to have a shower - no peeking!