Friday, December 3, 2010

Leftovers Part 1

One of the things I love about LEGO is that generally, they tend to pack in a couple of extra pieces here and there into their sets.  They are usually small little pieces that might often get lost.  Or they are small unique pieces that are otherwise uncommon.

Between the two sets, I have accumulated... this many pieces after three days.  I have GREAT plans for these excess pieces! Oh yes, just you wait and see!

KINGDOMS Day 3 - Racking in the presents!

What lies in store for door number 3?   The picture implies maybe... the spire to a roof? Or a catapult?

Nope! It's a knight's weapon rack.

Axe! Spear! Shield! Other things!

 The pieces are assembled to form a mighty rack! Notice how in the original diagram it suggested that the shield go off to the right side, whereas I have opted to place the shield in a central position.  This is the type of LEGO prowess gained only from many years of experience.  A much nicer balance between the objects, and it seems all the more regal!

The set grows larger! And notice the manly tea pot lurking underneath, jealous of all of the LEGO advent calendar attention!  Maybe if you are lucky, teapot, there will be a LEGO version of you waiting in one of the CITY doors...

CITY Day 3 - Board with traditional winter skating...

Time for a blurry Day 3 photo! Right up in the top right corner.


Why, it's the traditional winter activity of skateboarding!  No, not ice skating or snow boarding, but skateboarding!  But I suppose it is fair enough that probably a good number of children ask for skateboards for Christmas.

The pieces are strewn about, as well as yesterday's spare red hat off to the side.

Ta-da!  A skateboard and little piece of sidewalk/ramp to skate on!   An extra set of wheels... those will have to be kept for later!

Safety first! It is important to wear your helmet while skateboarding with two swords in your hands!


At last, I settle on just having the kid stand on the skateboard.  And yes, I removed the helmet and gave him back his red hat.  The helmet can be seen resting on the street.