Sunday, December 12, 2010

They Looked Up and Saw Guest Stars, Shining in the East Beyond Them Far

So, you viewers may have noticed something about over these last 12 days - something that has been sneaking into photos (aside from the jealous teapot).

Let's analyze some key photos over the last 12 days.

Yes it is true - there is yet ANOTHER advent calendar in my house.  A traditional chocolate one for my wife!

As a special treat now that we are halfway, let's take a little peek into the OTHER side of advent calendars - the traditional confectionary side!

Lo and behold!  The guest star takes posession of her calendar!

Hmmm - what day to open??

Ooo - a little chocolate goodie lurks inside!

No building required - just unwrapping!

Then, when the wrapper is removed, it is doubled as a gift to the kitty!

"Is... is this for me?"

"SO FUN!!!"

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