Thursday, December 2, 2010

KINGDOMS Day 2 - The medieval anvil-lage people!

Atop the portcullis lies door number 2 in the Kingdom!  I wonder what lies inside?

But of course! An anvil and flame for yesterday's blacksmith!

 Here's the package of LEGO bits.

 MORE SWORDS!?!? (see CITY Day 2 post...)

Seeing that Smithy (the natural name for a blacksmith) already has his hands full with TWO hammers, it is time for him to temper the sword on the anvil - I bet he plays a mean rendition of carol of the bells too!

With the extra bits I received from this set, I built myself an additional little flame...thingy... not sure what it is really.  But it seemed to fit!

The KINGDOMS winter scene grows!


  1. 'ello Smithy, lovely day isn't it? Why look here comes the Governor, Gerard Yellowhead.

  2. Haha - thanks for the comment michael!
